


Under Construction

The information on Berkhamsted has been reorganised to provide menu access, so that more information can be introduced - which may take some time.

Book: Birtchnell: A Short History of Berkhamsted

Book: Berkhamsted: An Illustrated History - An excellent modern account of the history of Berkhamsted - with both old and modern illustrations.

Book: Berkhamsted: A History and Celebration

Book: Berkhampstead Lodge 504, 1845-1945 - a history of the Berkhamsted Freemasons.

Book: Population ... Volume 1: The Berkhamsted Region - includes a transcript of the 1851 census.

Book: Berkhamsted School for Girls - A Centenary History 1888-1988

Book: A Hertfordshire Valley includes a chapter on Berkhamsted.

Book: The Book of Hemel Hempstead & Berkhamsted

Book: Hemel Hempstead, Berkhamsted & Tring

Some useful Berkhamsted Sources

Martin Thompson has kindly provided digital images of four booklets which contain very useful information about Berkhamsted on the first few years of the 20th century. I have posted many pictures and advertisements from the Souvenir of the 1902 Coronation. Details of the others will have to wait until I tidy up the Berkhamsted pages - hopefully later this year.



Souvenir of Coronation Day, Berkhamsted, 1902

Published Newman

Berkhamsted Guide,  circa 1910

Published Borrows

Berkhamsted Directory, 1919

Published Loosley

Old Berkhamstedians Association Members List
