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Manor Rental of Gorhambury, St Michaels, St Albans, 1655

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Note: parts of the text in this column lost in photocopying

A Rentall of the Mannor of
Gorhambury Westwick & Pray
made this day of March 1655

Some figures lost because original document torn

John Doggett admitted in Remaynder an.1655 coppy.

Susan Finch for one measuage or tenement with the appertenances situate in Westwicke, One pightle called a Hoppeyard to the same belonginge, One close called Mainepightle conteyninge seaven acres & three roods lyinge betweene ye lands of the Lord of ye Mannor on the east & west, One part there of abbuttinge upon a close called Conydell close towards the north th'other part thereof abbuttinge upon the sayd Measuage towards the south, and one parcell of land called Beechfieild & Little Beechfeild conteyninge four acres - more or lesse rent


ll:an. 1655 Coppy lyo admitt anne 1.Aprill ii.1635 Henry Smyth the younger in the right of Ann his wife, daughter of Robert Lazeby, for one close of land called Edbeechfeild late the sayd Robert Lazeby conteyninge Nine acres more or lesse abbuttinge upon the lands of Richard Younge on ye Northe and the lands of William Kentish on the south south rent 00=03=(??)

Coppy. x
ll an.1655

James Ewer in the right of Rose his wife, for one close of land called Apsmore Wood conteyninge Eight acres late William Morris father of the sayd Rose rent 0=01=0(??)
The next entry is considerably muddled with many circular crossings out and then apparently further information relevant to the previous entry. As far as I can make out the following is written.....
  abbutting upon a close of land of Edward Cawton containing five acres on the part of the wife of the said William Morris and upon a wood of Jo Wood the lands belonginge to William Finch on the part of the south and upon a feild of Edward Caseby called Needles Feild and a feild John Wood......called plash feild on the part of the north  
Totally crossed out was the following as far as I can ascertain....

Coppy x.
ll an 1655
removed to

in the parish of St.Michael part of the close another close called Dearings lying in the west side of the sayd close and abbutting upon the lands of Thos.Kentish on the south conteyninge four acres rent  
N.B. The Gorhambury catalogue refers to a John Twydall as holding part of Dearings, but I can find no reference to a person of that name in the above mentioned passages. Neither does the catalogue make any reference to the following entry concerning Richard Feild.
l October 1646 12. Car
John Finch the sonne of Joseph Finch (this crossed out) Richard Feild for one close of land called Kittscroft contayninge one feild hath three roods adjoyning upon the land called Burry land on the North west part and upon a close of lord of the Mannors called Kittscroft on the part of the south and west abutting upon B.C.  

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If you can add to the information given above tell me.